• Competitive Quantitative ELISA test with single break strip plate with 48 wells (6 strips)
  • Only one standard needed
  • 5-min ELISA method
  • Limit of detection (LOD): 0.6 ppb of
  • Wide range of quantification: 1-50 ppb
  • High specificity and sensitivity
  • All reagents are in ready to use format
  • Adjusted to the US and Asian legislation limit
  • Shelf Life: 12 months
  • Storage 2-8 °C
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1-Standard B1 is an ELISA test for the quantitative determination of Aflatoxin B1 in grains, nuts, spices, cereals and animal feed. The test provides a cost-effective, and reliable solution to the analyst, including only the standard 1 (zero standard) in the kit.


1-Standard ELISA series is a new innovative ELISA system, using a precalibrated curve for the quantification of mycotoxins in only 5 minutes. Unlike the regular ELISA protocol that needs to have several standards for an accurate quantification method, the 1-standard ELISA requires only the first (analyte free) standard.

The main advantage of the regular ELISA is that small or sometimes bigger variations of the individual experiment (time delays or temperature variations) are the same both for the standards as well as for the samples, minimizing their impact on the results. For this reason, the 1-standard ELISA series still uses the analyte free standard in order to provide the same advantage in terms of accuracy. The precalibrated standard curve has been run multiple times in ProGnosis Biotech facilities and following thorough examinations and validations it is unique for every lot and it can be downloaded on Prognosis Data reader. When a user wants to analyze one sample, with the 1-Standard ELISA only two ELISA wells are needed, instead of 6 (or even more) with the regular ELISA.

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Prognosis Product Catalog 

1-Standard Mycotoxins ELISA System Flyer 

1-Standard Bio-shield table 

Mycotoxins Determination in Grains, Nuts, Cereal & Animal Feeds

1-Standard B1 Manual 

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